About this Web Developer

Change of Course

Life happens, make the lemonade. In mid 2018 I was led to embark on a career exploration, and started a course of studies that has always interested me — Web Design, and after graduation from that program, I completed Software Systems Development at BCIT.   I am hoping to utilize these newfound skills, along with my background in Telecommunications, in working in the education, justice, sports, or healthcare fields.

COVID-19 Adjustments

The world changed in March 2020.  I wanted to do something to really help people with an impact. I took a job at Fraser Health Authority, working as a Contact Tracer Aide. I help people who have recently been diagnosed with COVID-19 with their isolation timing, adjusting their living situation, and getting an idea of where they have been, where they work,  who they live with, and various other odds and ends of flags that can cause concern for the spread of the infection.  Its been my experience, that most people are pretty good about talking about their life, once they understand I’m here to help them.

Why Web Development?

riding a bike
training for RBC Whistler Gran Fondo

In the early 1990’s, I was learning about the “internet” in a data communications class during my studies at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology. It wasn’t long after, I brought home a dialup 14.4k baud modem, and a Windows 3.1 computer.

I most likely visited the first website and was entertained by websites such as NASA, or the United States Whitehouse, using a Mozilla Netscape browser. That fascination with internet technologies never stopped for me. I am curious how websites work, and I am easily amused by cool new tricks on websites.

Knowledge Fan/ i.e. Geek

I am an unabashed collector of all sorts of knowledge. My favourite Twitter and Facebook feeds are prioritized at the top, to bring me the latest S.T.E.M. news and advancements. I try to see and understand the “big” picture of what is happening in the world, whether it be politics, economics, general news and even sports. (fun fact: i.e. stands for Latin id est “that is”).


I have a Telecommunications Engineering Diploma from the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, and previous to that, a degree in Physical Education and Sport Studies from the University of Alberta. I am not shy of getting my hands dirty, literally or figuratively. Previous jobs include Telecom Engineering Analyst,  lifeguarding at the YMCA and Canadian Forces Base Namao,  heavy equipment operator, camp counsellor.

Try it

My closet is full and more hours in a day are needed. I am always up to try a new sport.   I participate in cycling, triathlons, running races and go snowshoeing, skiing in the winter.  Advanced open water diver, although warm water diving is my favourite.  Camping, hiking, and riding my motorcycle are my goto recreation in the summer. I have put a kayak in the Fraser River in Chilliwack, and floated downstream while fishing for salmon. The best days are peaceful and full of sunshine.